CLICK HERE to tell us how you’d like to volunteer, or keep reading to learn more about how you can help the campaign.
Host A Listening Party
Listening to the voices of real people is the foundation of my campaign. That’s why I hope you’ll consider hosting or attending a Listening Party.
You might be familiar with a candidate house party — a host invites their neighbors, the candidate comes, and the guests listen while the candidate makes their pitch.
But a Listening Party flips that — a host invites their neighbors, the candidate comes, and the candidate asks questions and listens while the guests share their opinions, insights, and perspectives.
Interested in hosting a Listening Party? We’ll make it easy for you. Just sign up below.
Interested in attending a Listening Party? Here’s a list of upcoming events. Be sure to join our email list and follow us on Facebook so you know what’s going on!
Talk With Your Neighbors
If you support our campaign, you can make a difference by talking with your neighbors and friends. We need supporters to knock on doors and make phone calls. If you’d like to make a difference in this way, let us know!
Show Your Support
Show your friends and neighbors that you support our campaign! There are three helpful ways:
Yard signs — These are a great way to make people aware of the campaign, and show people in your neighborhood who you’re supporting. Let us know if you’d like a yard sign, and we’ll be happy to get you one.
Stickers and buttons — We’ve got some great stickers and buttons, so you can show your support on your car, your laptop, your water bottle, or your bag. Let us know if you’d like some of these, and we’ll get them to you!
- Social media — If you haven’t already, you can show your support by following us on social media, and sharing events and posts.
Help Get The Word Out
We need people to help with the following:
Social media — If you’re a social-media savvy person, we could use your help in managing our social media efforts.
Video — If you have experience filming or editing video, please let us know.
- Photography — If you are a photographer who would like to take pictures at events or meetings, we’d love your expertise.
Get Out The Vote
We need your help during early voting and on election day! We are looking for supporters who can hold signs, and hand out information at the polls. Want to help in this way? Let us know!