The League of Women Voters of Collin County

Candidate Forum, Senate District 8 is during Session 4 at 1pm

The League of Women Voters of Collin County plans to hold a multi-session nonpartisan public candidate forum on Saturday, January 27, at the Collin College Spring Creek Living Legends conference room. The forum will include contested races for county, state, and federal offices. Races are considered contested if there is more than one candidate across the D/G/L/R parties. Each session is expected to last 45 minutes, with the county/district races in the morning and the state/federal legislator races in the afternoon.

Session 1 10:30-11:00 County Clerk; Justice of the Peace, Precincts 2+3 Place 2 

Session 2 11:15-11:45 District Attorney; State District Court Judge, 219th 

Session 3 12:00-12:45 County Judge; County Commissioner, Precincts 2+3+4 

Session 4 1:00-2:00 TX Senator, District 8; TX Representative, Districts 66+67+70+89 

Session 5 2:15-3:15 US Representative, District 3